Calling all lead-based businesses ready to increase conversion rates and save time!

exactly how I Increase Conversion Rates in 5 Weeks While Reducing Admin & Sales Time

This is for you if You Don't Have The Time To Follow Up Leads...

Calling Out All Business Owners Who Need More Time & Want To Increase Conversion Rates

you're Looking to increase conversions

Most campaigns have a low conversion rate because prospects don't respond initially. This fixes that!

you wish you could have more time to follow up

You only have 24 hours in a day, and a lot of that time is reserved for you running the business!

you Are sick of leads not answering

You're getting frustrated with leads coming in and never picking up the phone or turning up to meetings.

you're no-show rate for meetings is too high

You block out time in your day to have conversations with prospects who just don't turn up...

I have been getting results 5-7 Figure Business Owners

Across the UK

With completely satisfied long-term clients generating millions in otherwise lost revenue opportunities, I know exactly how to get you results.

I Was frustrated...

I've been in marketing for 15 years, and got incredibly annoyed at generating leads for businesses and seeing them not convert.

I got the response: "These leads aren't good". Then, after some digging, I realised they weren't being followed up with any real quality.

So I started automating that process for clients, and boy did that work! Now, that is all I do...

Don't take my word for it, here are my clients...

Ready to increase conversions while getting time back in your life?

Click below to apply now

marketing automation

is the key to Scaling your business

#1 time

  • Automating tasks that you would otherwise spend hours doing a week gives you to to work on the business.

#2 conversions

  • More people getting further along your sales process through automation means more sales at the back end.

#3 experience

  • When your prospects have a fluid and natural automation experience, they feel more at ease and buy more often.

Inspiring, motivating, honest..



  • Join An Undisputed Community: We've built an amazing community. People from all walks of life - different ages, background, sizes. But they all share a common desire to be better and achieve their goals.  
  • Tailored Plans And Support: Our community epitomises support. Our network continues to grow and we ensure you are never alone on any programme. Group sessions, partner sessions and time with a dedicated personal trainer. Trust us when we say, you are not alone on your health journey. 
  • Commitment: We pride ourselves on ensuring you get the time, passion and commitment you expect. We understand each person has their own goals on their health journey and we will commit to you, ensuring your goals are achieved. You can guarantee this in abundance.
Is this a good fit for you? Read these...

frequently asked questions

My 3 Step customer journey transformation

here's Everything you receive when your Application Is successful

A bespoke Customer Journey Blueprint

I sit down with your team to plan out the automated customer journey, and produce a 20-30 page plan for your business to use as it's foundation when implementing that all important customer experience.

  • A clear, laid out plan for your automation

  • Fully bespoke PDF plan created by me

One-To-One Tailored Support

Whether working with the business or through done-for-you offerings (limited to 6 per year), you will have direct support for 12 months to have expert guidance on what should be automated and how to do it.

  • Expert guidance to get it right first time

  • Hour-long recorded sessions for you to access

Full CRM & WhatsApp Automation System

All of my packages include a 12-month subscription to a full CRM, marketing automation and WhatsApp API platform that allows you to automated every aspect of your customer journey.

  • Full sales process facilitated in one place

  • WhatsApp, email, calendars, sales, landing pages, memberships & more!

about Me

Get to know a little more about me.

Chris Dillon, WhatsApp & Email Automation Expert

I am a father of 2 and have been in marketing for 15 years.

In that time, I have started a business that independently grew from £0 to over £200,000 in the first 9 months, all by utilising intelligent automation processes that make your customer journeys easier.

I juggle being a dad, a husband, a business owner, a keynote speaker, a qualified football referee, a somewhat depressed QPR fan and a business coach all by leveraging automated follow up systems in every aspect of my professional life.

I have to, I simply don't have time otherwise. Those systems allow me to work 4 days a week, take holidays when I need to, and bring in money to my family in abundance.

Ready To Start Getting Results? Apply Now

Here's what some of my clients have said in the past!

Frequently asked questions.

All your questions answered so you can make the right decision before moving forward and applying!

What does it cost?

Great question! My most successful clients invest up to £18,000+VAT per year, and people can get started for as little as £47+VAT per month. To work out where and if you would fit, apply today.

How can I guarantee a result?

My guarantee to all of my clients is that by the end of working together, you will have a robust and bespoke customer journey that is automated to give your business the best chance of converting those leads.

Will I Qualify To work with you?

I work with clients on 3 main criteria. No.1, we need to be a values match - otherwise the relationship simply won't work. No.2, you need to either be generating leads currently or have a detailed plan to ramp that generation up. And No.3, you need to have a reasonable product that I genuinely believe in and can get behind.

What are your core values?

RIGHTO! I have 6 core values: R - I reflect and self assess. I - I invest in myself. G - I work with good people. H - I help people help people. T - I trust my instinct. O - I am open and transparent.

If we don't align on all 6 of those, we won't be a good fit.

How Long Does it take?

Generally, from onboarding to launch, it is around 5-6 weeks. That depends on a number of factors, including your ability to implement changes, but generally that range is the average for my clients.

Do you do discounts?

No. And the simple reason for that is I don't feel it would be right me have a fee for 2 different clients doing the same level of work that differs; someone will always be getting a worse deal.

I do offer preferential fees for clients that pay their balance in full up front, simply because I don't need to worry about admin over our agreement term and I don't get hit with Stripe fees.

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